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self education中文是什么意思

用"self education"造句"self education"怎么读"self education" in a sentence


  • 自我教育


  • The subjective principal of moral education and the method of self education
  • Self education can be anything that takes you out of your comfort zone
  • Self education expenses
  • Self education expense
  • In addition , peer group has unsubstitutable positive influence on the development of the children ' s self education
  • You must claim deductions of self education expenses in respect of the year of assessment in which payments were made
  • In the meanwhile , the author believes that the ethics - first is t he core content of the ru - schooled educational thinking . furthermore , in accordance with the current situation of the institutions of higher learning in china , it is pointed out that the ethics - first is conducive to today ' s ethics in china which should be emphasized more , the ru - school ' s cultivation of ideal personalities is helpful for the aim of fostering " four haves " talents , the ru ' s " ren " and " ai " are useful for the ethical principle of respecting , caring and understanding others , the ru ' s rich ethical standards is the physicalization of ethics , the ru ' s teaching methods can perfect the modern ethics methods , the ru ' s strict - self - disciple stimulate us to do well students ' self education , and the ru ' s emphasizing of self - cultivation is contributed to the team construction of the ethics
  • In general terms , a prescribed course of education means a course undertaken at a specified institution to gain or maintain qualifications for use in either the current or a planned employment . the inland revenue ( amendment ) ordinance 2004 enacted on 25 june 2004 extends the scope of self education expenses , with retrospective effect from the year of assessment 200001 , to cover examination fees paid for examinations held by the specified institutions for the purpose of gaining or maintaining qualifications for use in any employment
    一般而言,订明教育课程是指在指定机构修读为取得或维持现在或将来受雇工作所需资格的教育课程。于2004年6月25日生效的《 2004年税务(修订)条例》 ,将个人进修开支可扣除的范围,扩大至为取得或维持受雇工作所需资格,而支付由指定机构举办的考试所须的考试费用。
  • The new round of basic educational course reform of our country has complied with the characteristic of modem education and the tendency of world development , pay attention to the individuation of person and the sustainable development of person , emphasize mainness educational and self education , highly praise heuristic teaching ,
  • The inland revenue amendment ordinance 2004 enacted on 25 june 2004 extends the scope of self education expenses , with retrospective effect from the year of assessment 2000 01 , to cover examination fees paid for examinations set by an education provider or a trade , professional or business associations for the purpose of gaining or maintaining qualifications for use in any employment
    于2004年6月25日生效的《 2004年税务(修订)条例》 ,将个人进修开支可扣除的范围,扩大至为取得或维持受雇工作所需资格,而支付由指明的教育提供者;行业协会、专业协会或业务协会举办的考试所需的考试费用。有关修订法例的效力追溯至2000 / 01课税年度。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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